Is Body Image Affecting Your Relationship? Here Are Some Helpful Tips

Body image is a subjective view of how we perceive and feel about our bodies. Our perceptions of our physicalities can influence our self-esteem and overall well-being.

However, these impacts can go beyond how we feel about ourselves, and ultimately bleed into our intimate or close relationships. When negative body image seeps into a relationship, it may create tension, misunderstandings, or emotional distance.

Let's discuss some helpful tips to strengthen your relationship and improve your thoughts about your body.

The Impact of Body Image

woman looking at her body in mirror

Communication Barriers

Having a negative body image can lead to issues with communication. If one partner feels insecure about their appearance, they may avoid certain topics or activities in fear of triggering a negative emotional reaction. When there is little to no communication, misunderstandings are more likely to happen, causing tension, arguments, and a reduced sense of intimacy.


Body image issues can cause a lack of sexual intimacy. As someone who feels self-conscious about how their body looks, they may not want to engage in acts that require their bodies to be on display. They may avoid physical closeness, leading to feelings of rejection in their partner.

Jealousy and Insecurity

Jealously can be fueled by a negative body image. When one partner is feeling unattractive, they may fear that their partner will be attracted to others, leading to possessive or even suspicious behaviors. In friendships, you may feel jealous of how your friend looks in certain clothes, leading to feelings of envy that could hinder the relationship.

Emotional Distance

Persistent issues with body image can cause an emotional gap between partners. The preoccupation with one's perceived flaws can dominate thoughts and consume topics of conversations. This may lead to less room for emotional connection and leave your partner feeling helpless.

Tips to Improve Body Image

Change Your Self-Talk

Work on rephrasing your inner dialogue to be more positive. The way we talk to ourselves can significantly impact self-esteem, mood, and behavior. Be caring, kind, and compassionate. Our bodies come in all different shapes and sizes, and learning to love yours and focus on affirming yourself more can help. You are more than just your appearance.

Develop Self-Care Practices

Self-care can help with acceptance and encourage a more positive outlook on your body. Engage in activities such as yoga, meditation, massages, journaling, creative pursuits, and other peaceful relaxation techniques that promote physical and mental well-being. Self-care can be tailored to each individual to help build awareness, reduce stress, and enhance their quality of life.

Challenge Negative Beliefs

Societal pressures and social norms have portrayed images of what an "ideal" body should look like. However, these are not in any way accurate to how people's bodies are realistically, and it's important to distinguish and reframe your beliefs about what your body should look and feel like. By changing your thoughts and attitudes, you can develop a more realistic and positive view of your body image.

Addressing Body Image Issues in Your Relationship

Open Communication

Talk about these issues with your partner or other trusted loved ones. Discuss how body image issues are impacting your relationships and ask for reassurance and support as you navigate through these challenges.

Compliment and Affirm Each Other

Try incorporating genuine compliments about each other's appearance, personality, or actions regularly. Compliments can boost self-esteem and strengthen the emotional bond between one another. Be specific and sincere.

Acknowledge Non-Physical Attributes

Celebrate and appreciate non-physicals, such as kindness, intelligence, humor, and resilience. This can help reinforce the idea that self-worth extends far beyond physical appearance.

Seek Professional Help

If these body image issues are significantly impacting the relationship, it may be beneficial to seek help from a mental health professional. Therapists can provide tools or strategies to address insecurities and enhance connection, while improving intimacy and communication. Reach out and schedule a session for couples therapy today!


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