5 Ways that Premarital Counseling Can Help Resolve Marital Fights

We've heard it before — all relationships have conflict and all couples fight. Being married is no exception. What if there were a way to learn how to manage these arguments before they escalate? Good news, there is! Premarital counseling is a proactive approach to addressing issues within a marriage. Couples will learn tools to resolve fights and navigate their way through conflicts. How?

1. Improved Communication Skills

A Woman Talking at a Couple's Therapy Session

One of the primary focuses in premarital counseling is improving communication patterns. Effective communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship, and many issues within a marriage stem from miscommunication.

How It Helps:

  • Active Listening: Each partner learns to fully engage and concentrate when they are communicating with each other. This helps with understanding and ensuring that each person feels heard and valued.

  • Expressing Feelings: Couples work on expressing their needs and feelings without placing blame on their partner. Learning to express frustrations in a respectful way can help with problem-solving.

  • Nonverbal Cues: Understanding one another's nonverbal cues, such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, helps with interpretation of emotions more accurately.

2. Conflict Resolution Strategies

In a safe environment, couples can learn how to problem-solve and address issues constructively, which ultimately prevents fights from escalating and causing damage to the relationship.

How It Helps:

  • Problem-Solving Skills: Couples learn to approach conflicts with a clear head. The focus should be on finding a solution that benefits both partners. You are a team, and it's important to tackle problems together rather than against one another.

  • Deescalation Techniques: Deep breathing, taking breaks, or using code words when things get heated can be discussed beforehand, so when conversations take a turn, couples can be prepared.

  • Compromise: Finding middle ground is the best way to resolve conflicts. It may take some time to learn how to adequately give and take from one another, but the result is well worth it.

3. Understanding One Another

Humans are unique; all with different thought patterns, triggers, and complex emotions. Premarital counseling can assist with couples truly learning the ins and outs of their partner, what makes them tick, and, more importantly, what sets them off.

How It Helps:

  • Self-Awareness: By being more aware of your own triggers to emotions, you can learn to communicate this to your partner so they also have a better understanding. During a fight, they will know to avoid certain words or phrases that you dislike.

  • Empathy: Understanding one another helps with seeing their perspective during arguments. When you understand where the other person is coming from, it's easier to find a resolution.

  • Preventative Measures: Being aware of triggers or harsh words can ensure you do not use them in the heat of the moment. It also helps to know how to calm the other person down if they are feeling overwhelmed.

4. Setting Realistic Expectations

Sometimes, when people tie the knot, they have unrealistic expectations of what a marriage entails.

How It Helps:

  • Clarification: Premarital counseling helps couples identify their expectations in a marriage and see if they align with their partner's.

  • Aligning Goals: Couples can determine their future together by aligning their goals. How can they work together to achieve their dreams?

  • Adjusting Perspective: It's important to understand that there will be difficult times, arguments, and moments of disappointment. This is normal, and actually healthy, within a marriage.

5. Building Strong Trust

A marriage is nothing without the ability to trust each other. It can reduce conflicts and improve the ability to problem-solve.

How It Helps:

  • Honesty: Being completely open and honest with your partner is the best way to build trust. There should never be a time where you feel you must lie to your partner, or keep secrets from them.

  • Accountability: Know that you will hurt each other and make mistakes. Learn to take responsibility for your actions and apologize when needed.

Set your marriage up for success, reach out today to begin your premarital counseling journey!


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