How to Make a Long-Distance Relationship Successful

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder," right? While this may be true, it does not mean long-distance relationships are easy. These couples face many hurdles that don't affect couples living close to each other. Time zone irregularities, video call dates, and missing little things like holding hands and going out together can add challenges to the relationship. But it's all worth it for the right person, and it may even make the relationship stronger. How do couples do it?

Communicate Regularly

woman having an online date with partner through her laptop

When you're in a long-distance relationship, it's important to stay in touch during the times you cannot see one another. There are many ways to stay in contact, from texting, calling, and video chatting. FaceTiming is probably the best way to communicate while doing distance, simply because it feels good to see your partner's face while talking. Even simple "good morning" or "good night" texts can make all the difference. Throughout the day, it's important to check in once in a while just to show your partner you've been thinking of them.

Do Activities for Yourself

Because of the distance, you may have more time on your hands to engage in other hobbies or interests. Try different activities that bring you joy, or things you want to try that you cannot do with your partner. It's also important to carve out time for your friends and family. While it's crucial to schedule time to talk to your partner, enjoy quality time with other loved ones as well. Having time for yourself means you can focus on what's really important to you outside of your relationship.

Set Clear Expectations

When navigating distance, you and your partner want to be on the same page. Before you commit to long-distance, you need to talk explicitly about what that will look like for you. Agree on terms of communication, discuss worries or concerns, how often you plan to visit, and setting boundaries. Explain what is acceptable behavior and respect the expectations being set in place.

Quality Time

Time is precious for long-distance couples. When chatting on the phone or FaceTiming, try to incorporate fun activities together, like playing games or watching movies, or make meaningful use of the time by having deep, intimate conversations.

Scheduling in-person visits is extremely beneficial. When visiting, make sure to find a balance between relaxing quality time and going out and doing activities together. Having things to look forward to can help make the time spent apart more bearable.

Have an End Goal

Distance is cohesive for a little while, however, it cannot be a permanent situation. It's important for couples to have a plan on how and when the distance is going to end. At some point, you will need to decide where you want to end up. Will you move to them, or them to you? Will you both relocate to be together? Are there immigration hurdles involved? How will these decisions affect your lives, careers, and other relationships? None of these conversations will be easy, but they will be effective in maintaining a long-distance relationship.

Seek Support

Having a strong support network of people can help handle the challenges of a distance relationship. Share your experiences with people who love and care about you and your relationship. It's possible they can offer advice, lend an ear, and help you stay positive during the difficult times. Sometimes, just knowing that others believe in your relationship can be great motivation.

Another way to seek support is by getting advice from a mental health professional. Therapists can help you cope with feelings of loneliness, work on effective communication patterns, and support you in processing thoughts and emotions around your relationship. Therapy is a safe space to talk about worries and concerns, as well as learn skills to help handle the challenges that distance provides. Reach out and schedule a session for couples therapy today!


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